Perfect for guys that are bottoming for the first time or taking on an extra large toy. Don't worry though, while it will take care of part of the pain it still lets you experience all of the pleasure.
und bin absolut begeistert das es das jetzt auch in einer großen Flasche gibt. Bestelle das Produkt schon seit mehr als 10 Jahren und muss sagen, das es das beste ist was es gibt.
Il nome dice tutto, LET'S FUCK EXTREME è uno dei più potenti lubrificanti a base d'acqua e silicone, specifico per il sesso più spinto. Le sue eccellenti proprietà di scorrimento sono l'ideale per il sesso anale e per l'uso con i giocattoli più grandi.Grazie alla sua consistenza cremosa , può essere facilmente dosato e applicato. La formulazione di alta qualità garantisce una lubrificazione di lunga durata e una sensazione di morbidezza sulla pelle. Facile da rimuovere con acqua e sapone, assolutamente sicuro in combinazione con i preservativi in lattice.
Amazing. These are the best butt plugs I've ever bought. These plugs really do what the name suggests and will stretch you out quite quickly. In two months I've gone from medium to the XL and now when I pull the XL out my hole gapes like goatse. It's also amazing how quickly my hold opens up on its own now because of these stretching rings.
These plugs are heavier than you'd expect and the weight will make your sphincter work hard to hold it in when you're standing up, and especially if you're squatting down. I've had a few instances where they've just fallen out because of the weight.
When you get used to the size they become really quite comfortable and can be worn for long periods of time. Sitting on the medium and large is no big deal for me, but the XL is still a challenge to sit on. I can wear the medium and large ones for extended periods during the day and night and it's easy to forget they're there. Hopefully I'll be able to live with the XL in for long periods of time with a bit more practice.
The larger sizes can be painful to get in the first few times and they really need to be well lubed, especially when you're struggling the first dozen times. A mix of silicone-based lube and KY has worked really well for me. The more lube the better.
I found that it's easiest to get them in while squatting and pushing down like I'm trying to poop, while simultaneously pushing it in with my fingers. Over time though you'll just learn to relax and will be able to push even the largest ones in without much resistance. It can hurt a little at first and be really intense, but well worth it. The first time I played with the L and XL, it took a few hours to get them in and I could only keep them in for a few seconds, but over time it gets so much easier and not painful at all. Pay attention to what your body is saying to you though because these really are big toys!
Just be warned that if you've not got the closing plug in you will poop unexpectedly and uncontrollably. The larger the plug, the more can come out. With the closing plug in, the centre of the plug can fill up with poop. Sometimes, however, the closing plug will just slide out on its own especially if it's come in contact with any lube. This isn't a toy you can wear unless you're comfortable dealing with poop.
Overall, these are amazing toys and will mercilessly hold you open for as long as you want. The only thing I wish is that there were an XXL version; the XL is getting too easy now.
Sollte wohl in keinem Nachttisch fehlen: tolles Gleitgel auf Wasserbasis und damit mit sämtlichen Sextoys kompatibel. Egal ob allein oder zu zweit – macht Spaß! :) Wie alle Hausprodukte von Meo wirklich empfehlenswert!
Die Form erleichtert sehr schön das Einführen. Die samtige Oberfläche sorgt dafür, das er nicht von allein rausflutscht. Insgesamt perfekt geeignet für stundenlanges Tragen (hatte ihn die ganze letzte Nacht drin und konnte damit problemlos durchschlafen). Hoffentlich gibt’s bald XL & XXL, vielleicht weiß da jemand schon etwas?
.... nachdem die Angebetete die Zeit eingestellt hat und ein langer Ton signalisiert, dass dieses Schloss vor Ablauf der eingestellten Zeit nun nicht mehr geöffnet werden kann, nicht einmal von ihr selbst, ist wirklich ein unvergleichlicher Kick! Die angegebene Zugkraft von 130 kg wage ich aber anzuzweifeln. Dieses Zeitschloss wurde gelegentlich genutzt um die Schnürung des stramm über dem Latex-Catsuit verschnürten Korsetts während der Abwesenheit der Dame zu sichern. Der Drahtbügel des Schlosses wurde hierzu über der Schnürung durch die Schnürösen des Korsetts gefädelt um zu verhindern, dass die Schnürung gelockert oder gar aufgebunden werden kann. Wirkliche Spannung oder Zugkraft wirkte also nie auf dem Bügel. Dennoch fiel das Schloss kürzlich einfach ab.... Ich war verblüfft, dass das Schloss sich bereits vor Heimkehr der Dame öffnete und sah, dass der Stahldraht-Bügel aus der im Schloss steckenden Hülse gerutscht war. Auf Nachfrage erfuhr ich, dass die Garantiefrist gerade abgelaufen war....
Ich verwende das Produkt zur Enthaarung im Intimbereich. Dafür funktioniert es einwandfrei, solange man wie in der Anleitung die 5 Minuten bei der Anwendung nicht überschreitet. Es wirkt dabei ohne nennenswert zu brennen und hinterlässt keine wunden Bereiche.
These plastic locks are ideal for those who travel frequently and like to wear their male chastity devices at all times, the plastic locks mean that metal security scanners will not be activated. Also useful for beginners looking for a lighter alternative to the small brass lock.