詳しくは、プライバシーポリシー をご覧ください。
退屈なセックスに飽き飽きし、ベッドルームで何か新しいことを試してみたい?それなら、"ブラックマンバペニススリーブ "がちょうどいい。このペニススリーブで、ペニスのサイズを大きくするだけでなく、あなたとあなたのパートナーに、より強烈で深い快感を約束する。
"ブラックマンバ・コックシース "のようなペニススリーブの本当の利点は?ペニススリーブは、セックス中に自信を持たせてくれるだけでなく、普通のセックスを恍惚とした強烈な体験に変えてくれる。より深く、より強く、より長く挿入される感覚は、あなたのセックスライフに革命をもたらすだろう。
Aiutatemi a dire fantastico. Dopo un paio di minuti di difficoltà nel sistemarlo la prima volta e nel capire come far entrare entrambi i membri contemporaneamente, ce ne siamo innamorati: io sensazioni super amplificate e senso di pienezza incredibile, lui erezione mantenuta più a lungo e maggiore stimolazione.
Non riusciamo a trovargli un difetto
Con Black Cock potrete migliora le vostre prestazioni grazie ad
Questo estensore del pene realistico è sicuro di soddisfare sia voi che il vostro partner, fornendo un aumento delle dimensioni nonchè riuscire a prolungare l'erezione! Indossarlo è semplicissimo, basta inserire il vostro pene nel confortevole albero cavo e far scivolare i testicoli attraverso l'anello elastico. Le sue misure XL aumentano il piacere all'esterno, assieme alle protuberanze che si riflettono anche all'interno della guaina per fornire un piacere ulteriore a chi la indossa.
Perfect size
My wife needs to be abused once and a while. Warm her up with the magic wand and watch her squirt with this extension. Feels great for me too, never have any trouble getting off.
Love my new fat black cock
I just wish it was real sometimes... Lol. My friend puts this on whenever we want to get freak on. It fits perfectly w/just enough room in girth & length. It helps him to on holding onto his orgasim....so he'll last longer. Then the build up is intense for him...its like 3 orgasims in one. Great addition to our collection!
excellent fit for him and lots of enjoyment for me
O M G ........... yes .........excellent fit for him and lots of enjoyment for me !
Almost perfect
Almost perfect fit easy to use and plenty of girth.
Sehr schönes Teil
Sehr schönes Teil. Das gute Stück ist schön geformt und hat eine schöne Größe.
Der Black Cock ist super
Habe ihn vorgestern bekommen und gleich ausprobiert. Es hat super in meinen Po gepaßt und meinem Mann hat es Spaß gemacht es mir zu besorgen.
Ich kann nur sagen: Der Black Cock ist super
Ein echt geiles Teil
Der Black Cock hat eine optimale Größe, sollte aber von Anfängern etwas vorsichtiger verwendet werden. Jedenfalls sollte man das Gleitgel bei der Bestellung nicht vergessen. Die Form ist super und gibt ein richtig gutes Gefühl. Wünsche jedem so viel Spaß wie uns mit ihm.
We really enjoy playing with this toy.
We (m/f couple) love this toy when I can get it on. I never considered my ball that large, but the ring that goes around them is so small for me that it is really tight for me to even get one of them in the hole. I wish this had an adjustable strap or something like that. Otherwise, we really enjoy playing with this toy.
I love using it on him
We love our black mamba sleeve. He loves the extra length and girth and I love using it on him, stretching him open and hitting deeper. It has become a consistent part of our use and enjoyment during sex.
DEEP'R - スネーク - 70 cm...
89,99 €
シリコン製ペニスリング6点セット -...
39,99 €
I LIKE IT BIG - ペニススリーブ
39,99 €
BDSMガスマスク - kinky
49,99 €
24,99 €
本革製BDSMアイマスク - ベルクロ留め具付き
19,99 €
Ass Lock Cock Ring -...
59,99 € 39,99 €
99,99 €
Estim Cock Stuffer -...
49,99 €
スイッチヒッター by Sport Fucker
29,99 €
39,99 €
69,99 €
24,99 €
24,99 €
39,99 €
39,99 €
39,99 €
29,99 €
69,99 €
69,99 €
59,99 €
24,99 €
24,99 €
29,99 €
39,99 €
89,99 € 79,99 €
99,99 €
49,99 € 39,99 €
49,99 €
129,99 € 99,99 €
69,99 €
39,99 €
129,99 €
49,99 € 39,99 €
129,99 € 89,99 €
129,99 € 89,99 €
129,99 € 89,99 €
89,99 € 79,99 €
89,99 € 79,99 €