MEOのフェティッシュマスク:スパンデックスは主に高品質のスポーツウェアに使用されている。いわば "スポーティ "な用途の可能性を広げるものだ。このスパンデックス製マスクは、目の開口部がなく何も見えないため、感覚遮断、ロールプレイ、匿名セックスなど、さまざまなプレイに適している。あなたのイマジネーションに限界はない。
通気性の良い繊維のおかげで、息切れやパニックの心配がなく、特にBDSM初心者にはありがたい。 微光沢のある素材は頭の輪郭に完璧にフィットするので、フェティッシュマスクは常に完璧にフィットする。素材が形状を保つため、スパンデックスマスクは頻繁に着用しても伸びることはない。
Easy to breathe thru.
This hood works quite well. I never thought I'd try a hood but I gave it a shot after watching some internet movies. What a sensation! It blocks about 90% of the light, barely enough to make out blurry outlines of things in the room and that's only if the lights are on bright. Otherwise it's good night! Easy to breathe thru. Its also impossible to take it off without free hands! Frustrating, yet totally hot!!
Comfortable to wear
Stretches nicely to fit my big giant head. Comfortable to wear and does exactly what it's supposed to. It can let in a teensy bit of light around the edges of the eyes if I get too wiggly but it's not enough to even give me a clue of what's happening.
Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable.
During my first and only bondage session, I was made to wear one of these and I instantly loved it, so I had to buy one for myself. It is a fantastic hood. Quite snug but this is a good thing, and it is very comfortable. Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable. Very happy with it!
Man kann gut dadurch atmen
Die Maske liegt gut am Kopf an engt aber nicht dabei ein. Obwohl keine Öffnung vorhanden ist, kann man materialbedingt gut dadurch atmen.
Perfect hood to control my pathetic little slave
I've tried a leather hood but there was not enough "give" in it and found it too hard to get on and off.
This is the perfect hood to control my pathetic little slave.The spandex is perfect as it's easy to put on over his ugly little head and he remains in total darkness for as long as I wish. He can't see what I'm doing to him but, by heaven, he can feel it!
What a sensation!
This hood works quite well. I never thought I'd try a hood but I gave it a shot after watching some internet movies. What a sensation! It blocks about 90% of the light, barely enough to make out blurry outlines of things in the room and that's only if the lights are on bright. Otherwise it's good night! Easy to breathe thru. Its also impossible to take it off without free hands! Frustrating, yet totally hot!!
89,99 €
DEVOTUS デラックスボールギャグ -...
24,99 €
BDSM - 電気刺激付きアナルバイブレーター
129,99 € 99,99 €
24,99 €
ウェイト付きアナルプラグ -前立腺刺激用
39,99 €
149,99 €
Sheets of San...
229,99 €
ドギングバット - BDSM折檻のための平手打ち
49,99 €
革製手錠、ロック可能、パッド付き -...
69,99 €
プロ品質の緊縛ロープ - 緊縛用ホワイトロープ
9,99 €