テンガ エアテック リユーザブル真空カップ レギュラー
新型テンガエアテックの目玉?何度も使えることです。Tenga Air Techの柔らかい内装は、簡単に取り外すことができます。使用後は、水と必要に応じて中性石鹸で洗い流し、丁寧に乾燥させるだけです。そして、プラスチック製のシェルに戻します。このとき、ねじりながら少し力を入れるとよいでしょう。これでテンガ・エアテックの準備は完了です。
Tenga Air Techは、他のTengaオナホールと同じように気持ちいいです。柔らかいコブがついたTenga Air Techのプレジャーチャンネルは、少し前後に動かすだけでもペニスを刺激してくれます。ペニスがテンガを貫通した後、反対側の小さな穴を指で塞ぐと、より強烈な、叩きつけるような吸引効果を得ることができます。
Grazie al tubo morbido, che può essere impugnato comodamente, potrai regolare tu la pressione che vuoi sentire. Questo ti permetterà di adattarlo al tuo corpo stringendolo in maniera più o meno intensa in base ai tuoi desideri. Il suo interno è altamente dettagliato per aumentare il piacere ad ogni movimento. Lo sfiato sulla base ti consetira' di scegliere se aumentare la sensazione di suzione creando un effetto sottovuoto. La sua confezione anonima ti consentirà di portarlo con te senza destare alcun sospetto. La lozione al suo interno che viene rilasciata dall'aposito serbatorio, ti offrirà un approccio confortevole sulla pelle.
My partner and I bought some sex toys to try and spice things up! This one was by far his favourite. It came discreetly packaged and was very quick in arriving. When we were by ourselves we couldn't wait to try it out! We were both very pleasantly surprised at how lightweight and compact it was. Then it was time to give it a go. He lubed up and slid it on and by god we were not disappointed! My partner absolutely loved this. He said the suction was intense and much more powerful than he had imagined, and the bumps, he could feel everyone of them with each stroke. Even I had penis envy! Definitely will be purchasing more from this range!
19,99 €
19,99 €
16,99 €
サイボーグ探検隊 - ディルド 18cm
39,99 €
ディープ・フィスティング・ジェル - Le...
19,99 €
アナルシャワー - ブラックシャワーショット
29,99 €
39,99 €
Triple Skinny Rider...
19,99 €
EXTREME Delay - ペニスパワー
29,99 €
ウェイト付きアナルプラグ -前立腺刺激用
39,99 €