マグネットクラスプ付きネックレス - 特記事項
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Ein mehr als schmückendes Teil.
Ein mehr als schmückendes Teil. Wirklich schönes Halsband mit Magnetverschluss. Durchaus Alltagskompatibel, da es auch einfach als sehr exzentrischer Schmuck durchgehen kann. Wirklich schön :)
A stunning collar to complement my magnetic personality
I love the cold feel of steel when it's against my skin and this one delivers that feeling well. It's also quite substantial and so you really know it's there, its weight and hardness are a constant reminder of its presence and that is one of the things that I really like about it.
This is my second metal collar and it is now my favourite. It looks incredible and makes me feel so submissive. I love its snug fit and the look of it around my neck. Its two magnets hold it securely closed and it really does get some nice admiring looks when people see me wearing it. If you are looking for a metal collar that is almost a fashion statement then this is definitely one to consider.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/euphoria-collar-with-ball-clasp-steel-fetish-collar-review.html
This is a stunning collar
I love this collar, its quality is exceptional as with everything that I have ordered from Meo.de. I love the fact that the magnets make it both easy to fit but they also hold it securely in place. I have had numerous people ask me where I got it from and they love its look. This is a great collar for any submissive or just to wear as a statement. I have the smaller size and it is the perfect fit for me and I love it. I can highly recommend it to anyone. Wearing this collar gives this submissive a huge sense of belonging and I love how it looks. It's quite hard to remove, just as it should be of course. The magnetic orbs do a good job of sealing you inside its cold hard grip.
Top Preis-Leistung
Ich bin von der Qualität des BDSM-Halsreifen begeistert. So viel Fetisch für so wenig Geld, Hammer! Der Verschluss ist sicher, so muss man keine Angst haben dass sich der Halsreif öffnet.
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