I’ve wanted to try out a good quality anal silicone lube for a while and this one always seems very popular. Having used it several times now I understand why. This stuff is fabulous and it stays wet for ages. It makes your bum far more receptive to whatever is going in there.
Perfect for anonymous play and putting on a sadistic facade, the Alien Fetish Mask is a kinky face mask from MEO.de. Made from TPU, PE, PC, and foam, this mask features a single, adjustable elastic strap around eye level to fasten the mask to the face. This kinky mask covers only the face and doesn’t go around the entire head. This roleplay sex mask, which was designed in Berlin, is suitable for outdoor use and offers a large field of vision. The mask allows for full vision of the wearer and it has vents near the mouth for easier breathing and speaking.
Overall, the Alien Fetish Mask is a great way to hide your identity, get some sadistic visuals in your play, and still be pretty comfortable. It doesn’t impede the wearer’s vision all that much, is only slightly warm to wear, and it’s pretty comfortable with virtually no scratching or discomfort. It’ll muffle your words a little bit, so I wouldn’t use this during anything dangerous or communication-heavy, but it’s fantastic for sex scenes where you go in feeling comfortable about the activities you’re going to do.
Gut sitzende und durchdachte Knieschoner – egal ob für längeres Knien, oder wenn es doch mal nur noch auf allen vieren weitergeht. Über geschädigte oder überbelastete Gelenke muss man sich dadurch gottseidank gar keine Gedanken mehr machen, sondern kann sich auf das wesentliche konzentrieren: schließlich hat es ja einen Grund, warum man gerade auf allen Vieren ist...