詳しくは、プライバシーポリシー をご覧ください。
ペニスと睾丸の電気刺激に関するすべて - 柔らかいものから硬いものまで。私たちの刺激電流コックリング、電気睾丸リングまたはE-Stim Humblerを使用してオーガズムに。
Intensiv pochend am Penis
Diese selbstklebenden Elektroden sitzen perfekt am Penisschaft und sorgen für ein elektrisierendes Vergnügen. Die Impulse reichen von sanftem Pochen bis zu intensiven Wellen, die tief unter die Haut gehen und bei mir zwangsläufig zum Orgasmus führen. Einfach anzubringen, gut haftend und mehrfach verwendbar
Geile Stimulation für Anus und Damm
Diese selbstklebenden Elektroden haften perfekt und sorgen für intensive Reize genau dort, wo man sie will. Besonders rund um den Anus und am Damm entfalten sie bei mir ihre volle Wirkung und liefern tiefe, prickelnde Impulse. Einfach anzubringen, wiederverwendbar und perfekt für gezielte Elektrostimulation – für alle, die es extrem mögen!
funktioniert nicht so gut
bei mir funktioniert das nicht richtig, ich spüre fast nichts, was mache ich falsch?
Geile Erfindung
Macht das ganze System, das ich eh schon super finde, noch flexibler !!!!
Nice product
The ElectroMax Cock Strap has been a pleasant surprise for me. At such an affordable price point, I wasn't expecting much, but I've found that they work perfectly for my needs. If you're considering something similar, the low price tag makes it worth giving these straps a try. They're comfortable to wear and get the job done without any fuss. Whether you're a newbie or an experienced user, these straps offer good value for the money and might just exceed your expectations.
ペニス、睾丸、亀頭全体を電気刺激する究極のソリューション、ElectroMax Cock Strapで強烈な電気刺激を体験しよう。 もっと見る
Poco soddisfacente
Acquistato per il mio schiavo per Natale, le 2 aste sono molto flessibili come da descrizione. Peccato che ne funzioni una sola e non due quando sono collegate all'apparecchio. Ho provato in tutti i modi ma il risultato non cambia. Non sono affatto soddisfatto!!! È già la 3 volta che compro qualcosa su Meo e non funziona correttamente.
This product worked wonder for me and my partner. It is the 4th item we have ordered from this site, and its definitely our favourite. I was apprehensive of using the tool at first, but after the lube was applied the anxiety faded. This product ROCKED MY WORLD (and my urethra).
ElectraStim Urethral Sounds
The ElectraStim Electro-sex Urethral Sound is a win for medical inspired sex toys. This is a toy built for quality and one that will stand the test of time if properly cared for and used
Easy to use. Good grip.
Easy to use. Good grip.
ElectraStimのElectraClampは、快楽のダークサイドを探求し、電気刺激を新たなレベルに引き上げるには、まさにうってつけの器具だ。 もっと見る
ElectraStim Prestige ElectraLoops
The build quality of the Prestige Electraloops is far superior to any other adjustable e-stim cock rings Ive ever had. For that matter, theyre higher quality than any regular (non-e-stim) cock rings Ive ever had. At 6.5mm thick, the rubber loop is strong, durable, and stays on tightly. The 2mm pin connectors hold the leads in securely. And, the current that passes through these is consistent and evenly spread.
In the past, I tried some cheap cock rings from other stores. When I put them on and turned on the power box (they made a cheap one that ended up just hurting), the electric current was way too focused on one or two spots. It created an intolerable amount of pain to my frenulum, and it felt like it was burning through my penis.
MEO charges a higher price, because they have a superior quality product. When I put these on, I was scared that they were going to do the same thing as those ones from discount stores. Not at all. The current was as gentle or as violent as I wanted it to be. There was no burning sensation. It was complete relaxation with a mind-blowing hands-free orgasm at the end.
If I could give these six stars, I would. Most amazing cock rings ever!
極を介して身体に電気インパルスを与える装置を使用する。 性的電気刺激に使用できる製品には、次のようなものがある:電極:これは、電気インパルスを与えるために皮膚に取り付ける装置である。パワーボックス、TENSユニット、刺激電流ユニット:これらは、電極を介して身体に送られる電気インパルスを発生させる装置である。
パルスの強度、周波数、持続時間を制御するために、さまざまな設定ができる。 導電性ジェル:電極と身体の間の導電性を高めるために皮膚に塗布するジェルである。性的電気刺激のハイライト: