特にエキサイティングな遊び方として、南京錠の中に鍵を保管することをお勧めします。 ノーパチセーフタイムロック付き
当社のロック式 butt plug は、あらゆる種類の潤滑剤に対応しています。より長くお使いいただくために、MEOは栄養価の高い潤滑剤 "PLOWBOY "を推奨しています。使用後、ロック式尻栓はぬるま湯とVERYCLEANで洗浄する必要があります。
Great Toy!
I totally agree with this review. But might I suggest putting prelubricated condom over it by before insertion, this way there is no cleaning needed to the inside and just a rinse to remove the lube.
It does feel great having all that weight inside you when walking, there is no denying you are plugged with no escape possible. When it opens it is so deep inside you you could never remove it, and it really presses the prostate where if you're allowed to can cum, the feeling is exquisite. If you're not allowed to cum, you'll beg for it, because having something so big and heavy inside you is a very erotic feeling!
If you have a key holder, make sure you trust him/her, cuz you can't dedicate with this locked inside you. I LOVE mine!
It was MUCH more intense than I'd expected it to be
I'm a guy that had this used on me for the first time a couple months ago. Firstly, let's address fit. Like any anal toy, size matters. There's "experienced' and then there's "EXPERIENCED!" If your idea of "experienced in anal play" means you can handle a fist or means you look at traffic cones with lust, then sure, you could probably push this thing out. On the other hand, if your upward limit is still within the range of larger human male anatomy, this device should lock you down no problem. My butt's been fucked, plugged and reamed out by fucking machines. I'm experienced enough, I'd say. Even so, this plug was a challenge. Luckily, the guy using it on me was in no particular hurry and expanded it to its maximum over a period of about 15 minutes, then locked it in place.
I felt like I had a bowling ball locked in there. It was MUCH more intense than I'd expected it to be. With some practice I could probably have walked around, but I don't think there'd be any way to control the heavy breathing, nor the stressed look on my face. Having not had the chance to inspect the device beforehand, I had NO idea how to get it out or if I could. I felt CONTROLLED, period.
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