私たちの猿ぐつわは、肛門の締まった小さなお尻のように見え、柔らかく伸縮性のあるTPE製である。挿入の際、ペニスはパートナーの口に直接入れられる。AssFace™ フェイス・ファッキング・ギャグは、完全に調節可能で、頭の後ろにしっかりと取り付けられるビーガンレザーのヘッドストラップが付属している。
Face Fucking Gag AssFace™の反対側にある開口部は、口を開いた状態に保ち、パートナーの歯からペニスを保護する。 使用後、猿ぐつわはぬるま湯と中性石鹸で洗浄し、VERYCLEANスプレーで消毒すること。最高の結果と素材を保護するために、水性潤滑剤またはフレーバー水性潤滑剤を推奨する。
They're kneeling in front of you...
They're kneeling in front of you. You squirt some flavored lube into the hole of the ass-shaped gag because you're nice enough to let your sub taste something sweet before they gag on your cock. You check that the straps are tight, and ask them if they're ready. They nod in agreement, looking up at you with those big eyes that beg you to fuck them. You slide your cock inside and feel the squishy, tight hole of the ass. Then you go deeper and feel their wet, hot tongue and the heat of their mouth around the head of your cock. You grab their head and start thrusting. You grunt in pleasure as you hear them timing their breath and moaning as you face fuck them. You go faster and hear them choke a little, and you back off to let them breathe. Spit leaks out of the gag and you smile. "More?" They nod yes, their words muffled by the gag, and you push your cock back into their face.
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